
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Monsoon season is calm

Our monsoon season has been very stable (and thankfully) uneventful.  Yes, it's HOT every day but we expect that when we live in the desert.

At least it's a DRY HEAT which you folks back east don't enjoy.  I hear your humidity makes warm weather quite uncomfortable.

Should be a pleasant week ahead.  No rain anywhere in the forecast.

Our crews are still out trimming palm trees.

Many of our stop sign posts are being replaced.

The fiber optic cable is quickly going underground.  Lots of trenches have already been filled.

Looks like our duck families are all grown up now.  Saw two big flocks like this on the golf course this morning.

That's my only news so far today.  I'm off to the clubhouse to play Pegs & Jokers with the girls.