
Monday, May 16, 2016

Birds, Tennis, Weather

Coffee and Donuts!!

Tomorrow morning at 8:00 we'll be up at the club house for morning coffee and donuts.  I hope lots of people show up.

Had to stop for some photos this morning when we spotted two acorn woodpeckers tap tap tapping on this truck roof.  One flew away before I could get my cell  phone to start working but I caught one of them in action. 

The truck was so shiny clean, they could see themselves in the reflection.

 It was another beautiful morning for our tennis players.  

 They asked me to be sure and post a photo of their signs inside their bulletin board in hopes that the message will be conveyed to folks at Sun Communities.  The tennis group is VERY grateful for their newly refinished courts.

I was back to see my friend Daniel at Casa Grande Postal again this week to forward another package that was delivered to the wrong address.  

I received this photo from poor Sue and Ron Bernth who are now at their "other home" in Wisconsin.  Brrrrrrr.  Freeze warnings in mid May!!!

It's no wonder folks are opting to stay here longer and enjoy our spring weather.  Here's our forecast for the week!

 Yup.  Life is good here.

I guess every paradise has it's plague.  Ours happens to be pigeons who have decided to make our park their home.  They're getting so darned tame that they don't even fly when we wave our arms at them.

I'm an avid bird watcher and I love the feathered creatures............except for pigeons!  I know our management is working on the problem and meeting with vendors who claim they can help us.  We're patiently waiting.

Don and I had a date night last night.  Went to the movie to see Criminal with Kevin Costner.  Good show.  Then we stopped at Culvers for a special treat.  It was a lovely evening so we sat outside on their patio.

I end today with a weird note and chuckle.  Spotted this book in the home of one of our customers and was stunned by the title.  It just sounds wrong!  Who would dare to hurt Snow White?