
Friday, April 22, 2016

Poker, fiber optics, flowers

Say hello to our remaining poker family.  The group numbers well over 100 players during the peak of the season but this is the remaining group as of this week.  We're still playing seven nights/days a week as long as enough players remain.

We spotted Fernando on the tractor yesterday so had to see what he was doing in the parking lot.  He said he was looking for the junction box for the fiber optics line.  Fernando will put in a new line and Dish will pull the fiber optics through this area.  We're hoping this brings us even faster and more secure service for next year.  

Just when I think I've seen all the pretty cactus flowers, another one pops open to say "Look at ME".  What a beautiful RED flower!!

Our weather remains absolutely PERFECT.  It's 7:20 a.m. so I'm rushing off to make a second cup of fresh coffee and head out to the patio to enjoy the cool beautiful sunshine.  Ya gotta LOVE Arizona this time of year.  Have a great day, folks.