
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Pipeline to the new pool

Check out these great Halloween skeletons.  Be extra nice to this couple as they will both be referees at the upcoming national pickleball tournament.

 We're down to the final prep stages of the new pickleball courts.  

 Gravel, Gravel, and more gravel to be spread between houses and around construction areas.

Curbs have been run across this parking area to separate it from the softball warm up area.

More concrete work to put in footings for the brick wall that will go around the pool.

 We spent quite a while watching this machine to figure out how it works and what it was doing.  The drilling pipe drills under a roadway.  Then this machine pulls the pipe back up, unscrews the sections and places each piece of pipe back into the storage chamber.  Another marvel of engineering!

Hope this video helps to see it in action.

Now they can run the pipeline under the streets.