
Friday, October 30, 2015

Octoberfest & Halloween Weekend

Octoberfest was FUN!!!  Being from Wisconsin, I loved the polka band and had a foot-stomping good time swaying to the music as did many other folks.  

Our meal of good ole German potato salad, sausage and kraut was perfect for the occasion.

Plenty of opportunities for photos.  We even got MaryAnn Brown.

.....and ME.

Tune in to the PC Facebook page for more photos.

The weather cooperated beautifully.


Don and I drove around this morning to get some photos for you.  Most fun was capturing a cart full of Halloween characters.

MaryAnn Brown, Activities Director

Lisa Harold, General Manager

Donna Cox, Mailroom

Jodi Lochtefeld, Media Coordinator

Here's Lisa and Christy Kochen too.

I heard that Lisa did all the make up work for everyone.  Good job, Lisa!!

Love seeing all the flowers get planted!!

The propane gas pipeline to the new pool is still underway.

The new pickleball courts are completed.

The parking area is all filled in.

Sherian and Bob Fahrenbruch were working on the sports grill computer with Gary Lambert.

Our softball advocates were discussing field preparations.

If you look hard over JD's shoulder, you can see me perched on the bench eagerly practicing to cheer them on when play begins.  I'm an avid fan of our softball teams and hope many of you will come out to watch their games and cheer them on.

The south pavilion is progressing nicely.

Hope ya'll have a nice Halloween.  Don't eat too much candy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Pipeline to the new pool

Check out these great Halloween skeletons.  Be extra nice to this couple as they will both be referees at the upcoming national pickleball tournament.

 We're down to the final prep stages of the new pickleball courts.  

 Gravel, Gravel, and more gravel to be spread between houses and around construction areas.

Curbs have been run across this parking area to separate it from the softball warm up area.

More concrete work to put in footings for the brick wall that will go around the pool.

 We spent quite a while watching this machine to figure out how it works and what it was doing.  The drilling pipe drills under a roadway.  Then this machine pulls the pipe back up, unscrews the sections and places each piece of pipe back into the storage chamber.  Another marvel of engineering!

Hope this video helps to see it in action.

Now they can run the pipeline under the streets.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Tennis News!

I found this on the Nextdoor site this morning.


Lynn/Dave Reiter from Palm Creek Golf Resort
Our Club is very excited...

Posted: 23 Oct 2015 10:32 PM PDT

Our leaders, Glenn Carter and Penny Mason, were recently informed that on approximately November 15 demolition will begin of our south four tennis courts(#1-4). New construction will follow immediately which will result in those courts being transformed into state of the art post-stress concrete courts identical to our north bank of courts. The target for completion is on or before January 15, 2016.

Thank you Lisa, Jim Dawson and Sun Communities!


Phase 3 Streets being resurfaced.

Granite and the new Phase 3 streets are being resurfaced this week so you'll have to find a different route for a few days.  Those living in the area will have a little walking to do.  

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Tennis Anyone?

Thank you to Lynn Reiter for a great blog story:

The Arizona summer did its usual thing....depositing sand all over our wonderful tennis courts.  But on Wednesday, October 21 a hard-working group of loyal "Palm Creekers" braved a chilly, wet morning and cleaned off our courts.  In the words of Hank Olsen, our team leader... "Rain or shine we will clean!" Actually the job is easier when courts are wet! Yes, they were very wet, we had a downpour that stopped at 7:30AM.....our start time!

Our cleaning party.  Note the ominous clouds!  And look at that dirt! "It takes a village!"

Ron Bates and Dave Reiter are a team!


Sheryl are a PICKLEBALL player!!!

Max Maydew...another pickleball player with court cleaning experience!

Thanks to "Next Door" and Sandy Morin's email blast we had a crew of eight.  Thank you to everyone who came out on the dreary day. A special thanks to our PB players, Max and Sheryl Maydew and to Dave Reiter.  

Friday, October 23, 2015

Flowers, Softball, construction news

Had to take another look at all the flowers once they were unloaded.  Can't wait to see them planted. 

Coat of blue is applied to the new pickleball courts.  

Twelve full courts were in action this morning.

Lots of friendly hello waves!

Wooden forms are in place around the hot tub and swimming pool.

Rebar cages have been inserted into the deep footings waiting for concrete and posts.

Some kind of "special dirt" is arriving.  Don't know what its called but it will be spread onto the golf cart parking area across from the new pool.

Say good morning to Fred Shaffer and Gary Henning.  They were out for a walk and stopped to inspect the softball field.  Gary says practice has started and they'll be out on the field each morning at 9:00.  I even bought myself a nice stadium seat so I can comfortably watch their games this season.  Both Fred and Gary said they appreciated the blog this summer so they could stay tuned to all the construction.  Thanks guys!!  I'll be there to cheer you on this season.

Over at the south pavilion, work continues on the water run off area.  Today the cap goes on top of the wall to finish it off.

More of that "special dirt" is over here for the parking area.