
Friday, September 04, 2015

Sales & Rental Information

So how many houses is the resort bringing in this summer?  Are they all rentals?  Are they spec homes?  Is it true there is a huge waiting list for rentals?  How many homes sold over summer?

When you want to know answers, you go to the source so I made an appointment to see Nancy Paupst, our resort Sales Manager.

Here she is in her new spacious office.  

Nancy Paupst, Sales Manager
(Unfortunately, Amber Moore, Sales Coordinator was away from the office when I had the camera handy.)

Phase 3 expansion plan

FACTS:   (since April)  (I consider April to be the beginning of summer season.)

Sun Communities is bringing in:
  • 22 rental houses
  • 18 spec homes available to sell
  • 6 homes called customer builds (i.e., already purchased made to order)

TOTAL:  46 additional homes coming in from April to November

Total rental homes owned by Sun Communities = 58

For the peak months of January through March, all 58 homes are completely rented out and there is a very long waiting list.  If you have family or friends coming for the holidays, many rental units ARE available for late November and the month of December.  Call Christy Kochen at 520-876-8953 or email

To some it may seem quiet around here in the summer but not in the sales office.  16 new homes were purchased since April.  Six of those sales came as a result of the "Fly, Drive and Buy Program" where prospective buyers were reimbursed up to $1,000 for their travel expense when they purchased a new home.  In addition, our sales office sold six pre-owned homes.  

Image result for sold sign clipart

Nancy talked about the challenging task of estimating how many houses to keep "on hand" for prospective buyers.  As houses sell, more need to be brought in to keep a supply of model homes of different styles.

There is a total of 47 lots along the east side of the golf course in Phase 3.  Only 12 are still unclaimed and there are two spec homes available.  

Nancy:  Thank you for our visit this morning and all the interesting facts!!  Congratulations on a great sales year!