
Friday, September 11, 2015

One more flower

We still see an occasional cactus flower but this one was a show stopper this morning.  Beautiful!  And then this busy little bee showed up for the photo.  Couldn't resist sharing it with you.  If you know who lives at 1143, tell them their cactus is lovely.

It has been truly amazing to watch the construction of the new swimming pool.  I had no idea there was so much involved.  I'll never take our beautiful pools for granted.

LOTS of rebar.

Each piece gets cut by hand.

In the hot tub too.

Big concrete pillars at the south pavilion.

Electrical lines for lighting.

More back breaking work at the food court area as they lay all the pavers.

Another hole being dug for another house on the new street.  This will be #8.

Just yesterday this street looked like this.

Today it looks like this!  Crews are working fast.


Kids having fun.