
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hot Days at Work

We're happy to see cooler temperatures for the next few days.  Yes.....this definitely looks like cool temperatures compared to what we've been through for the last two weeks.  Whew!  The nice part is that it will cool down below 90 each night.  That's a welcome relief.

Don and I cruised around the construction site this morning and can see the crews working hard and fast but it still looks like a bunch of machines and a lot of dirt.  It's hard to tell exactly what's going on.  

We do, however, see surveyors at work near the roads so we might soon see streets with curbs.

Working on the brick wall around the new courts.

Thought I'd mention the busy local contractors too.  Jody and crew from Mobile Upgrades has been building sheds and room additions all summer.  HOT HOT work.

South pavilion is coming along.

Tractor Supply has a big sign in front announcing it will open next week.

This has been a rather short and sweet report.  Let the pictures prove that a LOT of work is being done under the HOT sun.

Image result for construction workers clipart


This cartoon from Lynn Reiter