
Monday, January 12, 2015

News Updates & Fashion Show

Big news regarding the upcoming Fashion Show on Thursday, January 22, from 11:00a.m. to 1:00.

We were previously booked to have Dillards presenting their line as in past years but we've made a switch to Inge's Fashions from downtown Casa Grande.  If you've ever shopped at Inge's, you've probably met her as she is a hard working charismatic lady.  We love shopping at her small store in old town located across the street from the Big House CafĂ©.  She has lovely ladies clothing in all sizes.
Original ticket prices for the fashion show were $25 each but prices have been lowered to $20 so if you have already purchased your $25 ticket, take it up to Activities and get your $5 refund.  Seating is limited so hurry and get your tickets.  Go with a friend if you want to sit at the same table as seats are reserved.

Enjoy an  afternoon of laughter with special guest speaker Rena, followed by a traditional runway show at this year’s Ladies  Luncheon.

Pick up your free tickets for Monday Morning Coffee and Donuts every week.   You must have a ticket so staff knows how much food to prepare....and wear your name tag!  Join us for fresh, coffee and high spirits every Monday morning on the Bistro Patio as we start the week off together! This is an opportunity to get to know the Palm Creek Staff and ask your questions.  We get an update on upcoming events from Special Events and a rep from the Activities Office plus there is a sponsored speaker.  Today's guest was from USA Insurance Group who had some interesting facts regarding insuring our park model homes. 

Now that the Welcome Back party is behind us, we look forward to the next HUGE event which is the cancer awareness weekend February 6.  We're going to have more colorful hot air balloons this year so many volunteers are needed to assist with the balloon teams.  See the sign up sheets in the Activities Office. can also sign up for a balloon ride with proceeds going to the American Cancer fund.  More details will be available soon.....or see the posting in Activities.
