
Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Rainy Weekend

Good Morning everyone.  I can see by the stats page that many folks are logging in this morning so thought I'd say hello although I have nothing new or exciting to report.  We've had several chill rainy wet days in a row now and we're NOT used to that so we're all a little disappointed in the weather. 
How sad that this rain had to come on such a big weekend for all the sporting events like the big golf tournament and activities in Phoenix AND the softball tournaments that were scheduled here at Palm Creek. Very disappointing to many of us spectators..........but the sun will soon shine again and we'll be outdoors for more adventure.  Into every life a little rain must fall.  At least we're not back east battling the snow storms!  Have you seen this cute video?
I hope you all received the nice flyer in your mailbox regarding the upcoming Cancer Awareness weekend.  I don't know who created the flyer but as a computer nut, I thought it was very nice to make the informative and attractive brochure instead of just typing it all on a single sheet.  We send kudos to the person responsible. 
If you've never taken a hot air balloon ride, get up to Activities and sign up.  It's a very different perspective from up above.  It makes the world look like a diorama. 
Have you seen the awesome totem pole created by our friends in pottery??  Be sure to check it out as it is on display outside the pottery room. 
Remember that Jim and Chris Guld from Geeks on Tour will be returning here to the park this week.  They will be guest speakers at the Computer club meeting this Wednesday and are presenting a session about Windows 8.  You are welcomed to attend as a guest.  Meeting starts promptly at 9:30 so you may want to grab a cup of coffee and come early.  I believe we'll have a good crowd.  You can help us set up chairs.  :)
Monday, Feb 9, 7:00 pm Santan Room -- Technology for Travelers
Wednesday, Feb 11, 6:00 pm Prickly Pear Bldg. -- Organizing Photos w/Picasa
Thursday, Feb 12, 1:00 pm Sonoran South -- Smartphones & Tablets
Friday, Feb 13, 4:30 Sonoran South -- Facebook
Classes are FREE so take advantage of this opportunity.
See you there!
Today's cartoons are all about CATS.  Have a great day!