
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Getting ready for the season

Thank you to Luis and Jaime for all the behind the scenes jobs they do.  We don't stop to think about all the carrying, unpacking, assembly, and clean up it takes for all our remodeling and new updates.  Here the guys unpacked a couple new poker tables for us.  (Some assembly required!)
Eddie is cleaning and repairing all the electric lights that shine up into the palm trees along Cole Circle.  They add a very welcoming touch as we enter the park at night.  That's another one of those tasks that we don't even consider.  Thank you, Eddie.
Check out the BEAUTIFUL floral arrangements in the front office!  Special award goes to Loretta Spanton for her creations. 
On my way home, I pulled over to watch two more park models entering the resort.  There must be at least a half dozen or more of these new models over on the east side. 
New houses are arriving daily and the RVers are returning in droves.  Our streets are truly busy once again after being quiet all summer.
This morning I was invited to join a very active group of eager ladies who help with a program called "Loving Hands, Loving Meals".  They support our local Cancer Support Complex by cooking meals and treats for cancer patients here in Casa Grande.  I'll be posting much more information about them in upcoming weeks as I get more acquainted with the kind gestures they offer to cancer patients.
Pictured from left to right:  Flo Fillipi, Sandy Milner, Ann Lykens, Linda Balzan, Diane Gaines, Gladys Debonville, Nancy Flader, Pat Mitchell.
Almost every one of us is linked to someone who has experienced cancer.  This group of active volunteers help to assure that LOCAL patients are assisted with nutritious meals and caring hands.  We like to donate our funds to causes when we know where the money actually goes.  Does it go to a large for-profit fund raising agency?  Does it go to support over inflated administrative salaries?  This front line group KNOWS that every dollar they raise goes directly to LOCAL patients.  No middle man profits!  Watch for more information as it becomes available.  They will be staffing a booth at each of our monthly craft fairs.  I hope you will stop by to offer your support.