
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Update, ballfield, newsletter

Saturday was another torrential downpour up in the Phoenix area......but not here in Casa Grande.  We've been fortunate to miss the flash floods and could actually use a little rain for a change.  A person just has to be careful of what we ask for though.
Tried to do a little tour of the kitchen expansion and ballroom for you today but it's impossible to get through without getting trampled by busy workers.  Here's part of the new kitchen area showing its newly painted floor and the new big refrigerator (or freezer....I don't know which is which yet.)
The ballroom is obviously still under construction.  Look at the pretty ceiling with all the crown molding around the sections.  Newly painted ceiling and lots of nice new fans.
Painters are busy at work everywhere.
This tree outside the main office will really be pretty once the flowers get planted.
Barbie and Veronica are just waiting for you.  They're both new so be gentle and patient when you register.
The library looks lovely.
The mailroom is really busy as residents return.
The ballfield was just seeded this past Friday and look how fast it is turning green.
I'm sure they've added an extra pound or two of seed for the doves too! 

The October newsletter is published and available on line at October newsletter
(*This article copied from PC nextdoor article.  Thanks, Sandy.)
This map shows the expanded pet section of our park.  There will be a new fenced dog run just east of Site 667 on the south end of Cole Circle.  This will include a covered pavilion, seating, and new landscaping.
More and more RVers are traveling with their pets.  This expanded area will make reservations much easier and allow our business to grow.