
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Labor Day and Moving Day(s)

I think I failed you readers when it comes to photos of our Labor Day celebration.  Guess I was having too much fun chatting with everyone and left the camera in my pocket.

I did get a snapshot of two of our VERY dedicated "volunteer" residents though.  Sam Cox and Ed Brown won the honors of cooking hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone outdoors in our 110+ degree heat that day!  Thank you guys!  All that heat and still they smile!
All the trimmings were available inside.

I didn't get photos of all the folks at the tables munching away, however.  You'll just have to take my word for it that we all had a nice time.
Today's walk through the office showed MANY folks busy as beavers as they move into the new office areas.  They've had a rough summer of working out of boxes instead of a desk.  There's so much to do.  Move all the supplies, files, phones, computers, furniture, etc etc.  plus still keep functioning with the day to day activity. 
Among the clutter and commotion, MaryAnn and Ed Brown manage to struggle through sorting out all the ticket sales.
Next comes the task of refinishing the ballroom floor.  Wow!  Talk about a sanding machine!  This is a dandy.
AND......the winner of the wet t-shirt contest is:
(scroll down)

What were you expecting??