
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Monsoon Sky

Have I mentioned yet how awesome the monsoon season sky can be??  Yes, I believe I have but it's sort of like cactus just can't get enough! 
I took these photos this morning and couldn't decide which one to post so you get at least three of them.  Take a look at sunrise this morning.
After our morning tour and chores, I headed up to the Santan Room to play pegs and jokers with the gang.  I grab my phone camera and do a quick walk through the admin building to check on the progress.
The Activities gang is ever present. 
(MaryAnn Brown, Ed Brown, Brandy Wood)
Today Deanna Taylor was assisting Donna Cox in the mailroom.  I warned Deanna that she needed to stop talking and smile for her photo so I took it anyway.  She'll probably yell at me when she sees this crazy photo. 
The ballroom is getting painted too! 
Sorry for the blurry picture but I had to zoom in as I didn't want to get too close to spraying paint on the ceiling.  Look at the long nozzle on that machine.  I never saw one like that before.
Must never overlook our wonderful housekeeping staff!  They work very very hard keeping our resort as lovely as it is.  Say hi to Nora, Maria and Maria.  They will always have a friendly smile for you.
Today was window washing day.  Thank you, Ladies!
Talk about hard work......
Scrubbing, cleaning, and sealing the pottery room floor has to be a miserable job with all the clay, paint, glazes, and chemicals that get used in there.  Beautiful job.
 I see a few more ladders in the activities office so work is progressing.
Electricians have a lot to do.
Back in the Santan Room (now our summer play room) the girls are gathering so I must join them. 
Dora Rocha (the Housekeeping Manager) stopped in to say hello.
(Connie Morin, Avis Gray, Dora, Diane Reese, Lynne Rogers, Barbara Johnson)
To you readers:  Thanks again for all your kind words.  Keep those emails headed my way.  I love hearing from you folks wherever you are around the country and some of you from far off places on the other side of the world. 
I couldn't resist attaching these cute notes called:  From the mouths of children.