
Thursday, July 03, 2014

Dessert Social plus more

I have been curious as to why the golf course is covered in hundreds of doves these days.  What are they doing/eating?  We haven't planted any fresh grass yet.  Soooo....I asked the expert.  Jim Dawson says the birds are eating seeds from the spurge weed which grows so prevalent around the golf courses in Arizona.  Then they carry that seed away and "plant" it all over the resort so we have to keep spraying weed killer and pre-emergent.  Hmmm....Mother Nature has a sorry sense of humor on that decision.
Avis Gray sent me this photo of an unusual butterfly she found on her patio.  Thank you, Avis. 
I thought I found a praying mantis this morning but it doesn't have the clutching forearms of a mantis.  Don't know who he is but he posed nicely for the photo.  He was about four inches long so definitely attracted my attention.  ( you've had your nature fix for the day.)
We stopped to say Good Morning to Jesse as we were out on rounds.  Jesse says he likes to show the blog to his grandchildren so they can see where Grandpa works. 
 Hi Kids!!!  Grandpa definitely works hard and helps to keep our park beautiful.  Tell him "thank you" from all of us. 
Today was our Dessert Social.  Over 75 people showed up for some yummy treats.  I think more and more residents are staying here longer or even over the entire summer.
MaryAnn Brown and Brandy Wood made all the desserts themselves! 
Unfortunately, Lisa Harold was unable to be there to conduct the 'Meet and Greet" event we were so anxiously awaiting.  We hope she will bounce back quickly from her unexpected medical issue so we can reschedule for another date.
I took a quick tour through the administration building to keep an eye on the construction progress.  Yup.  Ed Brown is still "volunteering" to cut all our event tickets and put them in sequential order.  Thank you, Ed, for all you do for us.
I scurry through the building as I dodge ladders, paint buckets, piles of materials, etc. and try not to get in the way.  It's pretty noisy in there with hammers, saws, drills, and lots of other equipment.  This will be Lisa's office in the front reception area.  
The billiards room is getting a complete face lift.
I believe the new wall back there will be Brandy's office.
This is the future expanded library and computer room.
More BIG news!!!  It actually RAINED  tonight for the first time in 130 days.  We just returned home from happy hour around 6:00 when the alarms on our cell phones alerted us to approaching dust storms and high winds.
Our Arizona sky turns a myriad of beautiful colors as the storm approaches.  It must be a combination of sunshine on the dust and then the rare occurrence of moisture (rain) in the clouds.  On the East side we saw dark storm clouds and in the west was the bright sunshine seeping through the clouds and dust.
The rain is WONDERFUL.  There's still a little kid left in me that loves the sound of raindrops on an umbrella. 
Don just shakes his head and smiles as he picks up the camera.
It is now 8:30 pm as I write this.  It's down to 83 degrees and I have the window open so I can hear the rain coming down.  Thank you Mama Nature.  It's about time you gave our desert a fresh shower.