
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Meet and Greet our General Manager Announcement


This coming Thursday, July 3, at 1:00 we are having a very special dessert social in the ballroom.  Our new General Manager, Lisa Harold, is going to host a "Meet and Greet" for her staff.  We're excited to hear the introductions and learn about their responsibilities.  Lisa is serious when she says she wants to keep in touch with our residents so feel free to send her a welcome message via her email at
You can bet I'll be at this event with my camera and my reporter's hat to keep you informed.

The wheels are in motion to get all this remodeling done!  Our maintenance crew is working hard to get EVERYTHING moved out of these areas so walls can be moved, floors redone, painting, etc.  etc.   It certainly is interesting to watch.
Front desk reception area:
This is the area behind the front desk.  Look at all the wires where the phone lines, computers, security cameras, etc. are being moved.
Counters and cupboards are still being pulled from the Activities room.
Nick, Jaime, and Luis are on duty.
The Zuni Room is getting crowded!  Ed Brown is back there cutting tickets and helping MaryAnn get ready for all our upcoming events.  All those tickets are done on a standard paper cutter.  You rock Mr. Brown!  With MaryAnn in charge, I'm sure Ed "volunteers" for many chores.  :) lol
The new flooring has been installed in the billiards room.  It will look really nice when finished.....but for now we need a sign that says "pardon our dust!"
Flooring is done in the new library and computer room combo.  It is covered to protect it while other work is being done.
 Outside projects continue as well.  The wall to surround the trash dumpsters behind the sewing room is in progress.
This is indeed a summer for sprinkler and irrigation problems.  Our crews are constantly digging up and repairing water lines. 
New houses continue to arrive.  This one is at Site 663 at the southeast end of the park on Cole Circle.  Darrell White reports that there will be two homes on this street and both are already sold.
We have over 3,000 palm trees in our park so trimming is a HUGE project.  Today was Jesse's turn to follow along and pick up the discarded fronds.
Don't try picking these up without the proper protective gloves!!
I saw the big plastic/tin recycling bin come in the other day so had to stay in the hot sun for a photo opportunity.  I never stopped to think about how that big bin was emptied.
There seems to be equipment to handle all these tough jobs. 
Then, of course, while all these crews are hard at work, we residents do our best to enjoy ourselves.  Thank you to Loretta Spanton for treating us at our potluck happy hour with this beautiful dessert!

 Ya'll have a GREAT day!
This week's stats: