
Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Sam's Club plus More

We had to make a trip out to the mall this morning.  On the way, we noticed these gals in front of the new Sam's Club flagging down the cars and pointing to white bags, waving for us to drive we did and it was FUN.  Today is the grand opening of their gas station.  The store is opening May 22 and you can bet I'll be there with camera in hand for the event.

Elaine is a super friendly Sam's club sponsor who greeted us as Don gassed up the car. 

There were three different vendor carts in the parking lot.  All items are FREE compliments of Sam's club.  This one had all kinds of slushies and drinks. 

Bags of kettle corn. 

And here you can get an entire lunch of pulled pork sandwiches plus the fixings. 

My very first slushie ever.   

Here are all the goodies that were in our free grab bag.  It was a fun event.  I posted it on NextDoor for those folks still here in the park.  Wouldn't want anyone to miss out on a great offer.  

Thank you to Marilyn Goeken and her crew for a GREAT Cinco de Mayo lunch yesterday!  They served a yummy taco bar with ALL the trimmings and it was scrumptious.  It was a very nice event out on the fireside patio.....and another wrap up to the season.  See if you recognize any familiar faces.  

After our great meal, we headed over to the Santan room to join our poker friends.  Our numbers have diminished as folks head to their "other homes" but spirits remain high. the way....May 4 was our first day of triple temps.  It got pretty warm in the afternoon.

Wildlife update:  Found this dove nesting on the light fixture at 1500 (Keith and Wendy Yeo).  That's certainly not unusual.....but the bird's antics certainly were!  She hopped down from the nest and did the wing flutter thing that is typical of killdeers.  I never saw a dove do that before as she tried to lure me away from her nest.  

I tried to get a photo so folks would believe me.

And....for those of you who have been watching the blog ... mama duck is STILL on her nest over on Oasis Drive.  STILL sitting in the hot sunshine.  

That's it for today.  Must hurry off to the club house for a good card game with "the girls".  Have a GREAT day!