
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Where are the April showers??

Hi to everyone!  Our weather remains the same....lovely clear sky, perfect morning and evening temperatures.  It gets a tad warm in the afternoon but we just sit in the shade and enjoy being outdoors.  I LOVE the month of April!!
I don't have any exciting or earth shattering news but will post some fun stuff anyway to keep you entertained and avoid the complaints that I don' write often enough.  LOL
We were visiting with Harold and Lorie MacKenthun this week and learned about another activity that is popular with some of our residents.  How about Trap & Skeet shooting?? 
Orla and Harold were out at the range this week so I asked him to send me some photos.  Thanks, Harold.
We also talked about the cute baby killdeer that are prolifically running around the golf course this spring.  Harold was lucky enough to be watching a nest just as a chick was hatching!  Here is his photo with the chick's head just sticking out of an egg.
Look how cute they are!!
And he also sent this one of Mom and baby.  Harold wins the award for best photos!
Don and I took this photo this morning while we were out on rounds.  Mama tried to scare us away with her usual antics of a broken wing.
If you look closely, you can see four of her well camouflaged eggs beneath her.  She is definitely willing to give her life to protect those eggs. 
We're all too familiar with the doves but it is still fun to photograph them as they seem to freeze and pose for photos.  This mama builds her nest every year on the RV belonging to Orland and Marlene Nelson.
Since we're on the topic of "wildlife".....I also spotted this colorful bug this week.  Fascinating critter.  I looked him up on the internet to find his name.  Say hello to a Japanese Red Bug.  That's the only identification that came up but I guess it is appropriate.
How about a cactus flower to entertain you?  We spotted these dainty ones in front of Site 1024.
They're very pretty and delicate up close but you hardly notice them on the plant as you drive by.......unless, of course, you're like me and always looking for wonders of Mother Nature.
We stopped along the new Granite Street and commented on how fast those oleander bushes are growing.  I made Don climb up the berm for a photo so we can show how fast they grow over summer.  Stay tuned for the update in the fall.  (Doesn't Don look excited to be in the photo?)  :(
Now that summer season is upon us, all our card games are moved into the Santan Room.  The other rooms are closed up for cleaning and (I imagine) to save on air conditioning costs. 
Say HI  to the Mahjong players.
....and to us Pegs and Jokers combatants.  We take our Pegs game "seriously"....we're cut throat players and have a blast trying to knock each other off the board.  FUN!
That's all for today.  Will hopefully have some newsy stuff soon.

.....and my favorite is: