
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

After Alfa

This past Sunday we watched the end of the Alfa rally.  They had a GREAT event and praised our park, staff, residents, AND the beautiful sunshiny weather.  The "tram" did regular transports from the sites to the front clubhouse on a regular basis.

On the last day as the rigs pulled out, there was a "weigh in" for the RIGS....not the people.  LOL  The Escapees provided portable scales so those who wanted could weigh each axle to determine even weight distribution, tire inflation, and height of their rig.
Knowing the exact height of your rig may be valuable information!
Safety is a priority for RVers so they really enjoyed their fire safety talk and their two day seminar presented by the Freightliner chasis folks.
Here is a view down my street on Saturday.
Here's the view on Sunday afternoon.  What a difference a day makes!  We remaining residents all commented on how we enjoyed watching the Alfas depart like a line of white lemmings.  I hear there were at least 117 rigs all departing that day.
Now we see some of the summer maintenance work beginning.  Loads of gravel are being brought in to level out some of the sites.  The gent at the far left is spraying for weeds.  Of course, that's not just a 'summer' job as I've seen them doing this all year round to keep the weeds under control.  Keeping our park beautiful is a constant job.
Update:  Loyal mother-to-be still baking in the hot sun.
Now I must take a moment to brag about one of my star computer students.  Darlene Stevens took my class at the Alfa rally on how to create a blog.  Her first posting is excellent because it describes a bit of our Palm Creek lifestyle.  We truly do become a family!!  Thank you, Darlene, for sharing.
Johns Hopkins Weight Study

The National Institutes of Health has just released  the results of a $200 million research study completed under a grant to 
Johns  Hopkins.

The new study has found that women who carry a little  extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.