
Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

It seemed like a long Labor Day weekend without a lot to report but the action begins again.
We spotted the landscape crew hauling away a palm tree that broke off in our last wind storm.  That's the first time I've seen a palm go down.  Usually it is just pine trees.

Dave has been busy over at the tennis courts.  He has applied the base coat and the blue color.


Then he puts the base coat on the outside and then the green around the edges.

The rest of today's entry is just FUN.
Sam Cox and Ed Brown were our chefs and servers for the Labor Day luncheon.
The rest of the gang was having too much fun in the kitchen.
Dinner was delicious as always.  
On the way home I spotted this Eurasian dove perched atop our cotton farmer.
See the black ring around his neck??  (the dove's neck.....not the statue's!!)
We have enough poker players for a game.  
We extend a HUGE thank you to management for getting us the new tables and chairs for the poker room.  They're soooooo nice.  Very much appreciated.


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