
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Golf Course Haircut

WOW......we seem to have a LOT of mulch coming off the golf course this year.  I wonder if that's because we had so much wonderful life giving rain that made the growth so thick.  Anyway.....the crew is hard at work with the scalping process.  



Needless to say, the process raises a lot of dust but the crew tries to minimize the impact on the golf course residents.  They take the time to blow off the debris from the homes along the route.  There will still be lingering dust no doubt, but that's the hazards of golf course residency.   

Wave hello to Bob Hernick way up there on a ladder as he paints another house on Oasis.
A number of houses are getting a make over this summer.  Lessards are completely redoing their aluminum siding.  Jody from Mobile Upgrades is doing a great job.
This crew from USA Shade Co. just arrived to start the project at the softball field. 
The main laundry room is now painted and has floor tiles.
We still don't have access inside the bistro or pro shop but work continues.
Bob Fahrenbruch is helping out with the stop sign and street sign project.  There are a lot of posts in this park to be sanded, painted, and new signs attached.  This should keep him busy and out of trouble for a while.  Right Bob??
Here's another make over job.  Bob Edkins has this project and is doing a beautiful job.  We're lucky to have such able bodied contractors available to us.  This is Lu Scherch's house on Putter Place with the nice big solar panels on top.  She had an outrageous electric bill last month of almost $30.  Mine was almost $300.  I guess that tells the story of solar power.
Ooooooo....we watched this beautiful great blue heron perched along side the pond.  What a great way to end our morning tour!

Now for your favorite part............a collection of famous signs.

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