
Monday, September 23, 2013

Cooler Weather

WOW!!!  We awoke this morning to a very cool 62 degrees!!!!  What a shock to the system.  Haven't experienced such cool temps in several months so we about froze on our rounds.  Brrrr.  Might have to unpack a jacket from storage.   The weatherman predicts only double digits for all week.  Autumn seems to have turned on like a light switch.

These water channels along Granite Drive are all waiting to be finished.  They get lined with bricks for the water run off between houses.  Lots of work to do along this street yet.
Looks like we'll have electric lines over by the new shade tent.
Here's the inside of the future bistro.
And the Pro Shop.
Work continues on the steel beams outside. 
The fitness center is coming along nicely.
The main laundry room is expected to open for business this week.

Yes, fall has arrived along with time to patch the blacktop roads in the park.

This is just another part of the never ending maintenance and upkeep (and expense) for maintaining such a pretty park.


We see many construction signs around here these days so thought these would be appropriate for the blog.  Have a GREAT day!  And remember to smile as it makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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