
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Almost a quiet Saturday

I don't always write on a weekend but it was so nice out this morning that we took time for a leisurely tour anyway.  Look how nice the new curb along the golf course turned out.  Very nice.
No rest for the new homeowners.  We found Joe and Sue pouring over the plans with John Blount.
Lo and behold.....we found the curb machine crew hard at work on a Saturday.  Here they're putting in a curb along the grass line at the big doggie park.


That's about it for construction news on a Saturday.  

Our house watch program is so much fun in that we get into quite a few lovely homes here in the resort.  One of my favorite homes belongs to Larry and Shirley Moser at Site 1307.  Don is always yelling at me to hurry up in this house because I love to spend time gazing at Shirley's amazing collection of bears.  There must be 100 or more scattered throughout the house and the place is absolutely beautifully decorated.  I have Shirley's permission to post these photos and share them with you. 

We have some beautiful homes here in the resort.  Wouldn't it be fun to have a "Parade of Homes" ???

I also spotted this flower pot in Connie Emerson's yard at Site 30.  Okay is a great idea for your next visit with the grandkids.  Help them paint a pot for your garden......

or paint some stones like these at Site 646 with Don and Carol Hirst.  These would make some great gifts and memories that you will always enjoy.

If you haven't looked through all the many blogs that are available for Palm Creek, you're missing some fun and interesting information.  Look at all the groups that are now making blogs like mine!  The web address is:  The Genealogy Club is the most recent group to join this site.  Congratulations to all the bloggers who take time to share their information.

or you can just click on this link:

Okay.....I'm done for the weekend.  See ya Monday.

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