
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More Bistro plus some RAIN

Here is a great picture to show you the "before" and "after" of some tree trimming.  Certainly makes a difference, doesn't it?

You'll also notice a cloudy sky (t'was a beautiful sunrise!) AND some puddles.  We had a nice thunderstorm last night.  It was rather short but great none the less.


Today we struggle with some humidity though.  It was at 87% this morning and we are NOT used to that.  As I write this, we're back down to 55% and declining as the sun dries things up.


The new house has arrived on the corner at 1967.  Anyone know who owns it??

Work is progressing for the bistro expansion.  I previously wrote that it would provide seating for 100 people but Diane Gaines posted on the Palm Creek Facebook page that it will seat 200 so I stand corrected.  We can have some nice outdoor events back there.
Of course, Faustino is on site for a huge project like this!


Hope you all have a very nice day.  Thanks for stopping by.

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