
Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday - Bistro start

Aha!  Finally we see signs of progress for our expanded Bistro seating.  Someone has been busy marking the layout both indoors and out.


I took this picture through the serving window.

Here are the architect drawings for the completed project.  We will be able to seat 100 people.  Should be nice and cozy to sit alongside the fire pits and enjoy a nice sandwich or cup of coffee.

Still grading the area for roads over in the construction site.
Not much else to photograph this morning other than a few snapshots as we completed our rounds.  Coming down Cole Circle on a clear day is pretty all by itself.

Here's that same group of loyal golfers.
The ducks are still around too.

Here's a cute sign I saw in one of our houses.  I bet she spends a lot of time up in the sewing room!

Be sure to read the "Notes from Fellow Residents" page.  it is SNOWING in northern BC.
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