
Thursday, June 06, 2013

It's a Dawson Day

I'm always excited when Jim Dawson calls and asks if I have time for a quick tour.  YES!!  I do!  With camera in hand, I climb up into the white truck and away we go.  Then I'm back here to the keyboard to fill in all the readers about the activity.

First we checked on the progress of painting the inside of our perimeter wall.  It certainly makes a difference as you can tell exactly where they left off yesterday.  Jim says its a very expensive project but needs to be done to keep up with maintenance.

Not only are the street signs being redone, but many of the posts are being repainted or replaced as well.

Many of the smaller chores that get done may go unnoticed.  The spotlights that shine up onto the flag poles at the front entrance are now replaced with these flat inground lights which make it much easier for the lawn mowers.  It might be a small detail, but it all costs money and saves labor.

It takes quite a while to trim all these palm trees.  Mario will be an expert by the time they're done.

Here's a very creative way to provide shade while on the job.  I'm glad he saved room to see through the windshield.

Want to watch Mario and his chain saw in action:  Click on this link for a quick video.

Here is Faustino finishing up by the main pool.  All the oleanders and vines have been planted.  Sprinkler lines have been repaired or replaced.  New fill dirt and gravel are in place and all is washed clean.  

 Jim explained that the wall in this area is irreparably stained.  The new oleander hedge will take care of that problem.
Nice job, Faustino.  Every bush is evenly spaced.

These vines will be very nice when they take over.  This line replaces the nice BUT MESSY oak trees that left leaves and debris to blow into the provided wonderful roosting spots for the birds that left "traces" all over the sidewalk.  

We'll make the hummingbirds very happy!

Speaking of ongoing maintenance, it is time to replace the sprinkler lines running from the main water line to each and every palm tree.  500 lines will be dug up this year....500 next year....500 the next, etc.   Lots of dollars and man power at work on projects like this.  This is also the type of project that the casual winter resident never thinks about nor sees being done.  Another reason why I think the blog is important.

The fence around the new dog park is still under construction.  Lots of welding being done.  Then paint and touch up.  There will be a double gate at each end.

These 5-foot deep holes will be home to palm trees that will be moved from Palm Park.  They'll outline the back of the ballfield.

Here's Jaime working on the east perimeter wall.  It will be bricked all the way up past the construction area.

Jaime is under tutelage from Ernesto and is learning the brick laying business.

Our next stop was out in the construction area to see how the trenches were coming along.  The sewer and water lines are complete and now buried.  Gray electrical and communication lines are next.

It is just a maze of piping underground.  We never stop to think about all the underground work that goes on before a structure can be built.

More new least for me.  I asked about the paint markings on the ground as I see many of them throughout the park.  Most of the paint marks are done by an agency called Blue Stake.  I checked out their website to learn more.  You've heard the slogan "Call BEFORE you dig". and private sector alike can call this agency to get information about location of underground piping BEFORE they dig.  Before Palm Creek starts any project, Blue Stake comes in and marks the underground lines.  Here are some samples Jim pointed out to me.

Each paint color represents a different kind of utility just like the colored pipes underground.  For that reason, we cannot by law  use a spray paint color of red, blue, green, orange, etc. to mark underground paths. If we make lines, our maintenance crew uses pink paint to distinguish it from a major contractor.  I learn something new every day!  Thank you, Jim, for a very informative tour to share with all blog readers!

I looked at the blog statistics this morning and was surprised to see how many hits we receive every day!  Here's a copy of what I found: