
Saturday, June 15, 2013

A beautiful flower & baby hummers!

Okay............I'm excited over this photo!  Not bad for a little pocket camera that just does a point and shoot.  Thank you again, Don, for such a nice gift.  

We were out on our rounds this morning when I yelled "Stop Stop" as I spotted a cactus flower at 1851.   Of course, Don moaned about "another" flower picture but I never tire of them.  A bumble bee presented himself just in time for the shot.  Awesome picture if I do say so myself.   

If anyone has Irene Clise's email address, please send it my way as I want to be sure she gets this photo.

If you know Ken and Kay Oliver, you can tell them Congratulations on the fresh hatch of two hummingbird chicks at their site.  (I don't have an email for them either.)  The nest is located way up high under their awning so I can't get a decent picture yet but there are TWO little hummers peeking over the edge.  This first pic shows a back end and the other is a little bitty beak poking over the edge.  Thank you to a friendly resident and blog reader who stopped by my house yesterday to make sure I knew the chicks were there.

Here's another cute photo and story to share.  We watch over 1717 while Ray and Cheri Norsted are away.  Cheri loves getting fresh fruit from her trees and this tiny scrawny little lemon tree did not disappoint her.  The little tree is giving its all to produce A fruit for Cheri.  :)

Over at Tom and Julie Langwell's house (site 271) we spotted this strange set up in their flower box.  Just had to ask what it was for and what they were trying to grow!
Here's their reply:  
The plastic forks/knives are part of an ongoing war between the Langwells  and the Palm Creek Doves. Current score is Doves: 27, Langwells: 0. We really thought we could outsmart the doves----we were wrong.

Work is progressing nicely out in the construction area.  Sewer and water lines are in place.  Now the gray electrical lines are finishing up.
We become a familiar site to many of the workers as we get a friendly wave and hello when we approach.  They like to watch the blog too.
Here's the sheeps foot tramping down the soil to bury the lines.
Looks like this is where one of the roads will be going.
It is Saturday so all is quiet up at Palm Park.
Don and I went to Chick-fil-a for dinner last night.  I love their fresh salads!  The exciting part is seeing all the construction vehicles across the street as the Sam's Club finally gets started!!
That's the news for today.  Keep those emails coming my way.  I love hearing from you too.


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