
Saturday, May 04, 2013

Saturday News

It was another lovely morning for coffee on the patio.  We get to chat with neighbors and friends who are out walking the dog or out for a bike ride to enjoy the cool air.  With all the snow and cold elsewhere, we are having a lovely spring.

I just returned from a leisurely ride around the park (without Don).  He's tired of me yelling to stop every time we pass another flowering cactus or plant so I sometimes head out on my own.  I'm stubborn and I still like to study the flowers and share them here.  We have such a diversity of plants around the resort.  I wish I would have written down the site numbers where I found these.....but......I didn't.  Sorry.

I think this strange one is over by #13.  Unusual leaves and pretty color blossoms. 

The palo verde trees are just beautiful this time of year as they're loaded with pretty yellow color and their bright green trunks and branches.

I''m guessing this weird popsicle looking bloom (behind Logeman's) is some kind of agave. 

This prickly pear has a real pretty orangish yellow flower....quite a bit different than the norm. 

This soft fern looking plant is in bloom at 558 if memory serves me correctly. 

I got up close to observe how delicate the flowers are. 

My travels took me over to the north gate area where we see the big equipment coming in.  The north gate will be strictly for use by heavy equipment this summer.  Residents are asked to use the main gate ONLY.  Surveyors were out in force yesterday laying out the path to continue the road in this area.  I'll get more photos when they're in action Monday.  

Now that most residents have gone home, it is time to "turn the green waste" piles that have been stewing for past months.  A blurb in the May newsletter alerts us that we may be pestered by an excess of flies during the process but it is a necessary step in preparing our recycled greens to use on the golf course this fall.  

We received a May newsletter with some interesting news.  Check it out on the Palm Creek official website in PDF format by clicking on this link:  May Newsletter. of right now, it is not posted yet but I'm sure it will be by Monday or Tuesday.
Newsletter items:
1.  The vegetable garden and dog agility area are being relocated due to upcoming activity in the construction area.

2.  The pretty (but pesty and messy) oak trees on the south side of the main swimming pool area are being replaced with orange flowering vines that will be beautiful as they grow.  The current trees are constantly shedding leaves into our pretty pool.  

3.  The golf course will be sprayed to rid it of the annual blue grass that turns to seed quickly and then devours our beautiful greens, fairways and tee boxes.  The spray will cause the grass to turn brown.  The course is still playable and free for open play.  I see folks out there every morning to enjoy this lovely spring weather.

Now for TWO gigantic bits of news:

1.  Ann and Larry Lykins are retiring!!  Ann says, "Larry and I want to do some traveling in our motorhome but plan on keeping Palm Creek as our home base.  You will still see us enjoying all that Palm Creek has to offer."  

WOW!!!  That is HUGE news.  Replacing two such dedicated and hard working people will be a monumental job.  Talk about big shoes to fill.  

While we will truly miss their smiling faces in the Activities Department, we certainly wish them happiness and hope they enjoy their time off. 

2.  The front page of the Casa Grande Dispatch has a big headline:  "SAM'S CLUB CONSTRUCTION".
"Work could start by summer".  

(I think a key word here is "could" but we're hoping!.)

Exact verbiage is as follows:  Casa Grande could be home to a new Sam's Club by late this year.  During Thursday's regular meeting of the Zoning Committee it was said that the company is working through the permitting process with various agencies.  We're getting very very close to wrapping it up and issuing a permit.  Once water and sewer line approvals are obtained, the company should receive the go ahead to begin building.  The word we're getting from corporate is that it's ready to be funded and built.  It's at the top of their list.  They predict a summer start date for the company to begin building the new store.