
Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday's Tour

Another beautiful day of near perfect temperatures and lots of pretty sunshine.  We're enjoying every day while we can as the forecast says triple digits will arrive next week.  Those folks who are still here are treasuring each day as it comes.  Awesome weather!

The golfers are happy. 
This family of ducks is happy.
The pickleball players are really happy.  Another great morning for some fun.
Hi to Avis' brother who loves to read the blog and check up on little sis.
Here's the morning sign up sheet so you can see who is still playing.  Today the Robson and Mission people were here as well.
More fun in the sun.  Volleyball teams are getting smaller as folks head out for summer. 

And we have our morning walkers that we meet each morning on our rounds.  Say hi to Julie from Michigan.

Say hello to the newest member of our landscape crew!  This tiny baby bunny was helping to keep our park beautiful by munching on the weeds.
Construction continues.  Stay out of the work area!
Ernesto is busy putting in new patios for some of our residents.  He seems to work magic with paving stones!
Very nice!
This is NOT Ernesto.....we found this shifty looking character working on his sprinkler system.  Say hi to Jim Reese.  You're never safe when Sue is out and about with a camera!
The messy oak trees inside the main pool area are now gone.  That should help keep the pool cleaner from all the fallen leaves and the keep the sidewalk from being so messy from the birds roosting there.
When there's a tough job to be done, bring in Faustino!!

I leave you with one sad little news item:
Remember that nest of quail eggs?? Barb and Jim Cobb suspected the nest was abandoned as they hadn't seen any activity for several days.  Jim called a Wild Wing Rescue association and asked for information.  He was told to 'candle' the eggs and see if they were alive.  So sad.....but the eggs are gone.  Hope mama quail finds a new spot and tries again.  

Photo copied from internet.
Did you know?
Brand new golf balls are water-magnetic. Though this cannot be proven in the lab, it is a known fact that the more expensive the golf ball, the greater its attraction to water. Expensive clubs have been known to be partly made with this most unusual natural alloy.

Have a GREAT day!!

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