
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday News

Now that so many people have vacated the park, our friendly owl is back at his pre-season roosting spot.  Say hello to this little guy.....a fierce predator for his size.

Jim and Rosemary Hoyle at 1026 received a lovely gift from Mother Nature this week when all their cactus buds opened on the same day!  Everyone that walked down their street had to stop to take photos.

I find it FASCINATING to watch big machinery in action.  This big crane came in today to move that truck trailer into its new home.  The trailer will be for special events and activities to use for storage.  There are always signs, decorations, float supplies, etc. that need storage space.

Later this summer, the room will be painted to match the walls so it blends in better.

After the Alpha rally, we celebrated with a thank you luncheon for all employees and volunteers out on the patio.  

Summer chores are underway.  The palm trees at the north end of the park are getting their trunks trimmed.

Many of you readers know Bob Herinck.  He has painted many many many of the park models here in the park....both inside and out.  I caught him in action again this morning.  Hi Bob!!

All the metal gates around the north pool are being upgraded so they open and close easier without that loud metal bang when they close.  This is another of the many improvements we'll see coming our way.

It looks like Site 166 has a new owner.  Hole being dug for a new home at the corner of Cordia and Desert Willow.  I think it is about the last corner lot in that section of the park.

Thank you to all the folks that send us a note when you reach your home destination.  So sorry you have to leave us during such beautiful weather.  Your yard may look like this (sent by Joe and Bev Guidinger in Saskatchewan Canada).....

but our yard looks like this!
Life is good!!

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