
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Let the Games begin!!

Tuesday was Day One of the huge pickleball tournament.  What an exciting day to see our new courts at their best.  Congratulations to the entire cast and crew who organized this event as I'm sure it took many many hours of strategic planning, organizing, staffing, and set up.

There were even small warm up areas set aside for players.

Look at the bicycles!!!  Who ever said seniors would be so active.
Our courts look absolutely beautiful.  I'm sure the crowds had to be impressed!
I took photos of the vendor booths as well...some because they're so colorful but also so you could copy down the website addresses for future purchases.
Many volunteers in motion.
I stood in front of this sign for quite a while just to take in the scene.  Maybe it means so much to me because I was there every day during the construction but I felt immense pride for our park and the construction of this sports area.  I can only imagine how proud the construction crew would be if they could witness the activity here today.  Congratulations AGAIN to cast and crew who made this happen....and that especially goes to Ashton, Wendell, Jim Dawson, and the pickleball committee members who helped with design and planning.  I'm no longer able to play the game, but I love to watch and I spend quite a bit of time at the courts to observe.
This photo cost me money as I got talked into buying raffle tickets.  :)  
Someone has to feed all these people too....and there's Linda Balzan at far left checking to make sure all goes well.  I bet Linda and crew put in some long hours these next few days.
Someone had to set up the whole computer system for scheduling.  There was a nice big monitor to display who was on which court.  (lots of glare on the screen for a photo).
Speaking of computers:  Tune in to the pickleball blog for the latest and greatest information about the tournament.  Knowing how hard Rosemary Reese works at that blog, I'm sure she'll be posting long and hard to announce progress and winners.
Pickleball Blog
Print outs were on display to show the upcoming schedules.
See you at the courts!!  Come on out to watch the action and share in the excitement.

Just a reminder that we're having a Windows 8 seminar this Friday morning at 9:00 in the SanTan Room.  Mike Salter will be presenting the latest and greatest about this new operating system.  I'm sorry that it competes with the pickleball.  There is still time to sign up in Activities. 
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