
Friday, March 15, 2013

Computer Classes & Mountain Laurel

By popular request, we'll be repeating our Windows 8 seminar again.  Some who attended want to retake the class to reinforce their memory and practice what they learned.  Others were sorry to miss the first class so asked to hold it again.  Whatever the story....this is your chance.  If you plan to buy a new computer soon, you'll be glad you came to this class so you're prepared for the new screens you'll encounter.

Welcome to Windows 8
Wednesday, March 27, 9:30-11:30
SanTan Room  ($10)

Bring your computer and power cord. 

We'll also hold another Picasa Workshop for those who want to refresh their skills and learn some new editing tricks for your favorite photos.  This will be a great time to ask questions and practice so be sure to bring your computer, power cord, and YOUR PHOTOS.

Picasa Workshop
Thursday, April 4, 9:30-11:30
Ocotillo Room ($10)

You can sign up in the Activities Office on the Computer Classes clipboard for either class....OR....just email me at

I'm also conducting some private one-on-one classes for folks who have specific questions about some other programs.  

AND....remember these important words.....


I received an email from Peg Keenan at Site 438 alerting me that her Mountain Laurel tree/bush is in full bloom again so I hurried over for more photos.  If I ever plant another bush, it will definitely be one of these as the flowers are beautiful and it smells absolutely wonderful.  Check it out the next time you drive past.
The bush can be kept trimmed, as Keenans have done, or it can grow to 30 feet high. It is very tolerant in the hot, dry climate, and needs no special care. The names are "Mescal Bean" "Frijolito", or Texas Mountain Laurel.

The pods contain a red "bead" which is poisonous, but can be used in bead making or other craft projects.  I brought some pods home to investigate.

Thank you, Peg, for showing us this beauty.