
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Our Talented Residents

The weatherman cooperated beautifully to provide a GREAT day for the Palm Creek artists, crafters, photographers, and woodworkers shows.  We have some amazingly talented and gifted residents who finally got this opportunity to show off their works.

First....the photographers.  I couldn't get all the names and correct spellings so I just took more photos.  There was always a crowd in front of each booth so I couldn't get shots of all the displays.  Forgive me for the ones I missed.

I keep saying that I want to get better acquainted with Photoshop Elements so I can do creative things with photos like these cards.  Such lovely work from photographs.

Then across the street in the ballroom were the artists and craftsmen showing some of their masterpieces.

I must give Lu some special credit since I purchased one of her Pueblo houses a couple years ago.  I have to  keep control of my pocketbook when I pass her booth at the craft fairs and limit myself to just one item each month.  She keeps coming up with new creations all the time!  Her work is beautiful and so intricate.  Each piece is from her pottery and then hand painted.  No two pieces are alike.

It's hard to believe you can turn a chunk of rock into such a beautiful piece of jewelry.

I wish I had taken a close up of the two Pegs & Jokers boards at this display.  They were awesome!!!  Both were sold as I walked past.

Just as we were treated to live music at the quilt show, we enjoyed more today as we toured the booths.  Thank you for sharing your talent.

Outdoors by the pool area, we were amazed at the creative talents displayed by the wood shop residents. 

John Ross wasn't at the table while I was there.  It looks like he has another hobby to consume his time when he isn't flying his hot air balloon.

Had to get a close up of Arden's wood chip hat.

It was also amazing to talk with the folks and hear that many of them had never started their hobby until they came to Palm Creek.  We're fortunate to stay in such a lovely resort where the work space and resources are available.

Thank you to everyone who participated today!  You are awesome!!