
Friday, February 01, 2013

In the News

Front page of today's Casa Grande Dispatch shows a photo of OUR owls across the street.  Don't panic....they're not moving our owls yet.  The article just tells how a group of volunteers dug new shelters for some owls on Cottonwood near the Legacy School.   They're building new shelters along Cottonwood in hopes the owls will move into them rather than use the drainage pipes along that water channel.  I think we all feel rather protective of our cute feathered friends.  They must be the most photographed of all owls as many of us have been out there with camera in hand to take their picture.  At least we know there won't be any construction on that corner lot until someone foots the bill to move the protected owls.

We enjoyed a nice spaghetti dinner Tuesday night to support our local Casa Grande Fire Department.  It was amazing to hear the statistics about how many calls these trucks make over time.  We look forward to having the Fire Department Honor Guard at our Veterans Day event again next season.