
Sunday, January 06, 2013

Sunny Days

Just another beautiful sunny day in Arizona so I wandered around the resort looking for some action.  First group I came upon was the lawn bowlers so I plunked myself down on a bench to watch for a while.  True to Palm Creek being such a wonderfully friendly place, a gentleman approached me and asked if he could help or answer any questions about the game.  I hope we ALL remember to extend that hand of friendship and a warm welcome as it certainly makes a difference.  

I wish the lawn bowlers would have a blog telling more detail about the sport, rules, objectives, etc. and then list when lessons were available and tournament schedules.  Hint Hint.  I'll be glad to help set it up if a volunteer comes forward.
Linn Mayo up at the north gate was on duty and alerted me about the burrowing owl who was basking in the sunshine just outside the gate.   Thanks, Linn.  I never tire of owl photos.

This little guy was smart.  It was a rather windy day so he hunkered down in the ditch out of the breeze where he could soak up the warm sunny rays.  He doesn't look overly thrilled that I got so close to him though.  I could read his mind:  "bug off, lady".  

The annual pickleball tournaments draw a huge crowd and it takes many volunteers to keep things organized.     To keep the tournaments running smoothly, they also need a full roster of referees so Tom Gearhart and his wife, Jeanne, set up some training sessions for volunteers.  Each of the trainees is required to practice by reffing 12 games between now and the first in-house tournament.  So if someone approaches you when you're playing and asks if they can ref, please be sociable and let us practice.  
We all have our favorite past times....including the folks who buzzed overhead in their powered parachutes.  
Looks like fun!


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