
Thursday, January 24, 2013

RC Fun

We have so many fun opportunities here at our beautiful resort!  I looked at the Activities schedule for this week and decided to MAKE time to go over and watch the Remote Control cars on Wednesday afternoon.      The track we have here would be any kid's dream come true......and our big kids staying here enjoy it too.  The track is laid out with hills and turns for the  cars and a nice set of work tables and a viewing stand for us "kids" who come to watch or race.

The cars become airborn when they race over a hill.  Most of the time they land wheels down and just keep on traveling.....but sometimes they don't.  Accidents can happen. 

These are rather pricey toys but what else do we want to do with all that money except have fun.
Some of these cars travel up to 70 miles per hour!
I'm assuming that just one car is never enough.  Like all hobbiests, you start small and just keep adding to the list as you go along.  A tool kit is definitely a needed accessory.

Thank you to Ron Johnson (aka Popkorn),  Larry Barnhart  & Dennis Talbert for a fun afternoon and for sharing information about their hobby.
Watch this YouTube video of the day's race!
RC Cars at Palm Creek
 That was a fun fun afternoon.  I started the morning by heading over to the Ocotillo Room to hear a presentation by Dr. Seipel who is an Orthopedic Surgeon that specializes in knee replacements.  Unfortunately, I've had a couple accidents that make me a prime target as one of his future patients so I was anxious to hear the latest news about the procedure.  I thought it was great that he took the time from a very busy schedule to come here as a speaker.  I learned a lot and he left behind some informative brochures (plus bagels and coffee!).  I like the way Ann in Activities schedules speakers with topics of concern to us Seniors.  Thank you, Ann.

Later I ran into Ken Reese who is working on constructing a new bulletin board for the Pickleball courts.  Wow!  That's quite a project.  

We had some very unexpected light rain this morning that dampened our fun at the pickleball courts but I did learn more about the bulletin board already in place.  Look at the nice shades that can be pulled to help protect the documents posted on that board.  Lots of time and effort were put into this.
Joyce Staffen was tutoring me to become a referee for pickleball.  Thank you, Joyce, for having patience with an eager student.
Another note of interest................I noticed two more holes are now dug out for placement of new homes in the new section.  I reckon you'll get more photos like this as the season and growth progresses.

I didn't take any photos from the Wednesday night show, but want to take a moment to praise the entertainer -- Kenny Miller -- for his performance.  Wow.  That guy can really sing! and he sang MANY popular famous songs of yesteryear.  Very nice!  I would go back to see him for a return performance next year.
David Letterman's Top Ten Reasons Why Golf Is Better Than Sex......

#10... A below par performance is considered damn good.

#09.... You can stop in the middle and have a cheeseburger and a couple of beers.

#08... It's much easier to find the sweet spot.

#07... Foursomes are encouraged.

#06... You can still make money doing it as a senior.

#05.... Three times a day is possible.

#04... Your partner doesn't hire a lawyer if you play with someone else.

#03... If you live in Florida, you can do it almost every day.

#02... You don't have to cuddle with your partner when you're finished. 

And the NUMBER ONE reason why golf is better than sex...

#01... When your equipment gets old you can replace it!

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