
Friday, November 09, 2012


Hello once again.  Our two sons were here visiting for a few days so life was quite hectic.  No time for  posting.  

Palm Park and the golf course is looking a beautiful lush green these days.  Love this October weather!


We spotted Rex and Peggy putting up the Softball banner out on the new field.  Looks good!!

I don't have any more hot off the press construction news so you'll have to settle for this beautiful rainbow that stretched across the sky after a brief shower yesterday.  Starting TODAY you shall see no more of these ugly black smudges from my camera lens as Don bought me ANOTHER new camera.  The lesson to be learned is don't take a camera outside during a dust storm!  If I need to photograph another haboob, I will use the old camera that is already smudged.

Our new neighbor in the 5th wheel across the street was on his way to the woodshop when I stopped him for a friendly chat.  It turns out that Brian makes these awesome wooden nightlights!  I immediately had to have one of the owl, of course.  Since coming to Palm Creek, he saw how popular pickleball is here so he got a pattern and carved out a player.  We have so many talented and creative people here.  

Here is big announcement from the pickleball group:

Pickleball announces the "Pro from Dover', Steve Wong, a national champion here for clinics November 15th and 16th. Steve has over 20 years of experience and has won hundreds of gold medals. $5 for either or both clinics. November 15th from 1pm-2:30pm, all levels and November 16th from 9am until 10:30am, advanced levels. At the NEW pickleball courts! We hope to see you there!

George Edwards at Site 1006 had his camera ready at the right time this past week.  He was able to capture a snapshot of a hawk peering through a palm tree:

AND a Kestrel.  Thanks for sharing, Bill.  We need to let folks know we have birds other than doves in our park.


I leave you with these words of wisdom received in an email this week:

Larry's kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted criminals. One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted person. 'Yes,' said the policeman. 'The detectives want very badly to capture him.' Larry asked, "Why didn't you keep him when you took his picture?"

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