
Friday, November 02, 2012


Say Hello to Pat and George Schurr as they work away at completely one of the daily puzzles in our library.  There is almost always a jigsaw puzzle on the table.  Feel free to add a piece or two as your time allows.  Thanks again, Pat, for all the volunteer hours you donate to keep our library fresh and organized.


Looks like all the road paving is done in the new construction area.  Now the bridge looks like a real bridge.  Even though things may look somewhat finished, do NOT enter this area and put yourself and the park at risk.  No bicycles, carts, or pedestrians are allowed in this area yet.  Please resist the temptation to enter.  Wait until the insurance company gives us clearance.  

Progress continues on the wall surrounding the future trash dumpsters.  A line of pretty oleanders and bushes will be planted along the canal.

A new right turn lane is being added outside the front gate to help with the big rig entrance.

Paving out on Cottonwood is finished.  Won't be too long and they'll be able to open that new lane.

Hey!  Some of our resident softball players are pitching in to help with the new field.  They're putting the protective fence topping along the fence line.  Thanks for helping!

Notice the striping is done for the golf cart parking area.

Jim Dawson spotted us over on the sidelines and invited us to come in for closer photos.  Here's a crew installing the big bulletin board for the pickleball club.  Here they can post the MANY events and playing times for the upcoming season.

The first 12 courts are completed.  

Fencing for the ball team dugouts is done.  Next will come the concrete flooring.

Batting stages have been poured by home plate.

Here's our group of hearty volunteers at work installing the fence topping.

Ken Zielie said he has received several emails from friends since I posted him on the blog the other day.  I had his last name misspelled but I guess folks recognized him anyway.  Now you guys will be famous.  

Watch them in action:
Dressing the Fence *************************

To help save the economy, the Government will announce
Next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting
Seniors (instead of illegal’s) in order to lower Social Security
And Medicare costs.
Older people are easier to catch and will not remember
How to get back home.
I started to cry when I thought of you.
Then it dawned on me ... Oh, crap ...
I'll see you on the bus!

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