
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Early Thursday Morning

Yup.  The busy season has already arrived so I can't promise a daily blog entry anymore as there just aren't enough hours in a day.  The steady trickle of returning residents is turning into a flood.  It is so nice to see everyone again so our morning rounds take much longer these days as we have to stop to give hugs and greetings to folks along the way.

I have a couple friends that were asking to learn how to make computer printed greeting cards so we got together for a little class in the SanTan room this week.  Wow!  They were eager beaver students and now want to learn more so they're giving me great ideas for creating more classes.  The old high school teacher in me loves to teach new skills.  (I taught Business Education classes at the high school and technical college for a number of years in my early life.  Loved it!)

Say hi to our star pupils:  Judy Hebert, Dolores Zandstra, Lesley Evans, Avis Gray, Mona Conkle, Nancy Flader, Louise Kant.

Sample cards for display.

I am forever giving credit to our maintenance and landscape crews so yesterday I caught this group of our dedicated housekeeping staff busy at more cleaning chores.  These ladies are awesome and truly deserve credit for keeping our resort looking so nice.  Walk into any restroom or shower room and see the results of their attention to detail and hard work.  Thank you ladies for your dedication.

We don't stop to think about the work it takes to keep these areas of our resort clean and attractive.

Yes, another cactus flower.  I just can't drive past them without a photo.  Every cactus seems to send out its own beauty.  I really have to give the bees credit for finding these flowers and getting to them in time to harvest the pollen as the blossom only lasts for a day.  This gem was at Site 1852 on Oasis.  Looks like two more buds to open in the near future.

There was lots of activity at the construction site, of course, but I didn't get any exciting photos to publish other than these on Cottonwood.  Now we can really see their progress.  The second lane is nearly ready for asphalt.

That's it for now people.  I'm heading out to the patio with a fresh cup of coffee and wait for Don to rise and shine.  Then we'll start a new day and see what newsy stuff we can find to post.