
Monday, October 29, 2012

Here come the flowers!

Yes!  When you see a truck like this one in the parking lot, you know it has to be a good sign.  Here come the flowers!

Trays and trays of flowers to make our park even more beautiful.

Once they're planted, they grow quickly stretching up to soak in our Arizona sunshine.

I popped in to say hello to the Mahjong players last week.  I tried to learn this game at one time but gave up after a few tries.  The tiles have weir names...bangs, sticks, bams....or something like that.  Once you know how to play, it seems to be addictive as the participants certainly enjoy the game.


The gardens are doing really well.

The first 12 pickleball courts are drawing near completion.

Future drinking fountain.....there will be three of them.

The ballfield is a beautiful green.

Now we're just prepping for the asphalt trucks to pave the streets.  Everything seems to be right on schedule for the November 8 opening.  Congratulations to everyone involved for a massive team effort on such a huge project.
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