
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Say Good Morning to Ryan.  He's the man who oversees and coordinates this whole project.  He's proud to report that everything is right on schedule.  Asphalt will start on the streets October 30.  Then he says it's just a matter of touch up projects.

The streets are receiving their layer of AB "stuff" that is the base for asphalt. 
Lots of leveling and rolling and compacting.
The area around the bridge is getting filled in.
The ballfield posts are all installed and now they're starting to put up the fence.

Work progresses on the courts.

Dave is obviously just arriving to start his day.  He's CLEAN and not all splattered with coating.

Oh Goodie!  They're prepping the flower beds and getting ready for planing!

I've heard from several people regarding recycling plastic grocery store bags.  They are definitely a NO  NO for the recycle bins!  

I saw on your blog you were curious why we don't want the plastic bags. They actually will charge us for them if they are disposed of in our recycling bins. The handles on the bags get tangled in the baling and assorting equipment. It actually has and does shut down the machines. So please, do not put the grocery bags in the plastic recycling bin.
Thanks, Lillie
Here's an interesting article from the Arizona Republic newspaper forwarded by Bob Gosh:


Phoenix has tried for years to persuade residents to stop throwing plastic grocery bags into the city's blue recycle bins.  But despite the city's efforts, many residents continue to toss the bags in the containers, costing more than $1 million a year. And residents who do this may do more harm than good because the city turns around and dumps the plastic in the landfill.

Albert Alvarez, Phoenix recycling information specialist, said he has seen an improvement since grocery stores started Bag Central Station in 2007. Through the program, residents can toss plastic bags in bins at the grocery store so the plastic can be recycled into items such as plastic furniture and decking.

"Plastic bags are recyclable but not in your bin at home," he said. "At the grocery store, the plastic bags stay nice and clean and the grocery store has a buyer for all their plastics."

I thought I was a dedicated and conscience "save the earth" recycler, but I must admit I did not know about the grocery bags.  Am I the only one??


One last parting thought before I close and head out to the patio with a tall glass of iced tea to read the last chapter of my book.  I just received this photo from friend Gerry Daniel as she sits watching her grandson's football game this weekend.  Brrrrrr....from Alberta Canada!  What's that ugly white stuff on the ground??


Now for my favorite part of posting:  the daily cartoon

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