
Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Oh how I love these nice cool 68 degree mornings for coffee on the patio.  Neighbors, friends, and even a couple newcomers stop by to say hello.  Very nice.  It's one of the reasons we like living here.

Reseeding continues throughout the park.  Even the doggie runs get redone. 

It's nice just to sit and watch the grass grow!  That used to be a joke and now it's the truth.  :)


That crazy looking curb machine has been busy!  Before you know it, we'll have real streets.

Cement trucks keep lining up to keep the machine fed.

Of course, work continues at the pickleball courts.  That's lots of fencing to install.

All the walkways should be finished soon.

The softball field is coming along well.  We've added a lot of our own precious compost and some special clay and grass growing stuff.  Now it is being leveled off to get ready for the grass seed.

We met Jim Dawson out there this morning and he believes they'll be ready for seeding perhaps tomorrow or the next day.  

Talk about HOT backbreaking work!  Fernando took the entire landscape crew plus Clint and Pasqual (maintenance mechanics) to pick stones off the ballfield before planting.  I guess we don't have a machine to pick the small gravel from the soil soooooo we resort to the old fashioned way.    We were invited to join them but at 97 degrees, I was already wilted just taking photos.  Sure hope all the ball players and spectators appreciate the effort going into this field.

Watch Don's video of the guys in action.

Even Jim came to help out.

Every stone over 1/2 inch gets picked up.

The main pool should be reopening later this week.  The crew is applying the deck coating.

Residents seem to be returning in droves.  We found this friendly crew issuing warm hugs and welcome back wishes.  Looks like a very friendly and fun loving neighborhood.  Most of them are Texas Hold'em players.  The games have begun.

One parting photo for you today as we headed home after rounds.  Isn't he cute?

Have a great day and thanks for checking in.  Thanks also for all the lovely emails and notes on the guestbook page.  It is feedback from you that keeps me motivated to spend so much time at this computer.

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