
Monday, October 15, 2012


Whew!  Busy day today.  It's 10:30 pm and its the first chance I've had to download my photos.  It was a BIG day because the concrete sections of the bridge arrived on two trucks early this morning.  Of course, Don and I HAD to be there to witness the excitement.  Here is a whole series of photos:

First truck arrives with a big chunk of the bridge.

The destination is ready.

It takes a skilled crane operator to pick up that big heavy slab and get it placed just perfect.

Jim Dawson and our chief contractor were present to watch the action.

Piece by piece is installed and locked in place.  Congratulations to the whole crew for some precise work.  It won't be long before we can continue on Cole Circle into the new area.

There's Jim again inspecting the new grass on the ballfield.  He added 600 more pounds of seed this week.

Over at the pickleball courts, they're bringing in the tubing that they'll split and lay over the top of the fences so we can comfortably and safely lean on the fence to watch the games.

The ramp entering the sunken courts is almost completed.

We asked Jim what this second railing was for.  It is there so the players have somewhere to hang their bags and water bottles.  Great idea!  

Still working on leveling the streets.  The timeline says they hope to start laying asphalt by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

So much work going on out there but let's not overlook the other maintenance.  Our landscape crew is busy reseeding the front 9 of our golf course.

Here comes the seed!

There are other chores that we never stop to consider.  Here is Eddie with the water truck as he flushes tons of water through all the sewer lines in the park to keep them clean and free running.

I'm off to bed now and must sleep fast.  I'm conducting my first computer class tomorrow afternoon on how to create custom cards using the free Avery card program.  Should be lots of fun.

Sweet Dreams.