
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Happy Birthday to MaryAnn Brown.  The folks from the poker group and the mailroom gathered for a surprise party last night.

Lots of laughs as they made her dress up in her "presents".   It was all in fun.
Hubby Ed wasn't much help.

Work continues out on Cottonwood as the water channel is being built.

It will look like this side when all is done.

Back at the pickleball courts, the poles are being installed for the lights.  Lights will be installed at the northwest quadrant and the sunken courts this year.  All the wiring is installed for future lights if they're needed.  

One section of the wall looks complete and will be as high as it goes.

The graders are out getting ready to create the streets.

Patching, sealing, and resurfacing is progressing rapidly.  They have a big crew here for this process.

Check out Don's video by clicking on this link:
Striping on the blacktop

Here's Jessie up by the big pool.

Here's what the new ceramic tile will look like.

No more need to paint the lap lines as they've added ceramic stripes this time.

Painting jobs continue all around the park.  This morning they're concentrating on the entrance way.

oops....looks like another dead tread.

Say Hi to Ann and Larry Lykens.....back at work getting ready for your return in the Activities Department.

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