
Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Morning

Good Morning and Happy Monday to you all.  We met Pedro this  morning up by the north gate.  Looks like a new member to our Palm Creek team.  Hi Pedro!
Tree trimming continues.  This morning they're headed down Oasis.
Progress continues over by the pickleball courts but not much has changed in appearance so we didn't take a lot of photos.  They were working on the grid work to set the cables in place.
The first block of new housing sites starts right at the end of Oasis.  They're still digging trenches for sewer and electric. 

Painting continues on ALL the Palm Creek buildings.  The color stays the same except for the white trim.  It will be more of a cream color which will help camouflage the bird doodoo in the future.
 That's all the news for right now.  I'll have some photos from our bingo game later tonight or tomorrow.
Thank you to Myron Yantzer for today's chuckle.
Truth:  We save electricity here in the summer because we don't need to use our hot water heaters very often.  The water stays plenty warm to use for showering and laundry. 
Yahoo!!  Just received a call from Jim Dawson announcing the first court will pour tonight around midnight.  Watch for video and photos tomorrow!  Looks like I'd better take a nap so I can stay up late tonight!

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