This is the second post for today (Friday). Don was filming some video which will get posted tomorrow.

These are the black fasteners that hold the cables in place.
These are the black fasteners that hold the cables in place.
One day after the concrete is poured, a machine will come and put post tension on these cables. That's why they're encased in that thick oiled plastic. Then they will be stretched again 5 days after the pour. This is what holds the court surface.
Meanwhile, work continues around the rest of the park. As you can see, they have cleared the new parking lot by the Cholla Room.
Today was also the soup and wrap luncheon for employees and residents. Linda Balzan had us volunteers in the kitchen for a couple hours yesterday while we chopped all the vegetables, chicken, and ham. We made big roaster pans of tortilla soup and pea some delicious chicken salad to go in the tortilla wraps. Chop Chop Chop. We cooked up enough for 80 people.
Today was the luncheon. The soup and wraps were absolutely delicious!!
Here is our assembly line of making the wraps this morning. We make a great team.
it was a pleasure to serve our hardworking landscape crew!
Peggy carved up the brownies and helped dish out the ice cream for dessert.
And of course there is always fun and giggles as they cleaned the frosting from Diane's chin.
Working at these events is always fun. Want to get actively involved this season?? It's a great way to meet new people and become part of the team. Sign up on the volunteer sheets in the Activities Room.