
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Visible Progress Begins we go.  Finally some bigger action worthy of photos.  Big machines, lots of noise, and signs of progress.  I received a great email from Mark Nelson this morning:  (Mark is the President of our pickleball club)

By the way, Rosemary Reese makes updates to the pickleball blog all summer so you fans may want to check in there occasionally: 

Court Construction Time Line

We’re all curious about how the new courts are progressing. Palm Creek provided us with a time line for the sports complex construction. Here’s a brief synopsis of the construction plans for the new courts.

Earth movement and walls to be done between now and August 5th. On August 6th work should start on setting up the cables for the post tension concrete on the 12 eastern courts. Pouring concrete on these courts will start on August 13th.

The 12 western courts will have the post tension work start on August 20th and the concrete is planned to be poured starting August 27th.

After the concrete is poured it will need to cure for 35 days before any work can be done on it. The painting and striping of the courts is planned to start on October 8th and take 2 weeks.
Mark Nelson
Club President


We had a continental breakfast up at the club house this morning with yogurt, granola, fresh fruit, juices, muffins, and coffee.  Our usual gang (including me) were there to set up and clean up later. 

Guests were few, however.  I guess we know our summer residents are spoiled and don't like to get out and about so early. 
Here are updates from the Palm Creek Facebook page:

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