
Saturday, July 14, 2012


Eat more Chicken!  Our local Chick-Fil-A restaurant held a big special event yesterday.  If you wore one of their cow crowns on Friday July 14 (which were distributed to customers last week), you received a free entree from the menu.  No senior citizen ever passes up a fun opportunity or free food!  I talked to the owner (Nathan) and told him about our avid fan club so we received a whole handful of crowns which we proudly wore.  Then we gathered for a photo to show off to YOU how much fun we were having.  Instead of saying "cheese".......of course we said "Moooo". 

An innocent bystander saw our group gathering for a photo so offered to be the camera man so I could be included.
The mail this week contained fantastic coupons of $10 off any purchase at Kohls so OF COURSE we all headed over there with coupons in hand.  Bought a pretty t-shirt for $9.99 and walked out with a free shirt!
Then in the afternoon our group headed to the card room for some serious Pegs & Jokers.  I finally learned how to use the self-timer on my camera so was able to sneak into the photo for a change. 
It was a busy day!  After cards it was time to hit Arby's (again because of a Buy One Get One Free) coupon deal and then off to bingo at the American Legion. 

It was back to work this morning.  I noticed this Department of Agriculture insect trap hanging in a fruit tree at one of our sites.  It is good to know our government is monitoring and watching for potential crop damage.  Thank you, Uncle Sam???
The water aerobics gals were smiling and having a great work out this morning.  Say Howdy!
Too hot for the scorpions??
Connie Morin spotted this article in the Arizona Republic newspaper.  You know our weather is HOT when the scorpions start complaining!!
There is a lot of heavy equipment parked out on Cottonwood.  It's too early to see any actual changes but will keep watching.
Repaving on Florence Blvd has started also.  Should be a pleasant improvement by the time our winter visitors return.  Most of the paving work is being done overnight in order to keep the downtown businesses open during daylight.

Speaking of construction:  Someone sent me a link to this site showing how a railroad is built these days.  I found it astounding to see how sophisticated it has become.  Wouldn't our forefathers be awed by this as they slaved away at that first cross country railroad?

How to Build a Railroad

Have a GREAT day!
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