
Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Progress

Progress continues on the sewer line.  Now you can plainly see where the concrete silos were lowered into place and the manhole entrances are left. 

The trench will gradually get shallower as it continues.
Here are some photos from the back patio of Site 27 (permission granted from Earl Maxon up in Alaska).  The two blue shirts are Jim Dawson and Fernando out to inspect the progress.
Looks like part of our landscape crew has the honor of digging the trench for the concrete wall that will parallel the water ditch.
Rebar is already in place for the concrete wall. 
It is HOT out there in the sunshine but I'm sure Faustino could work circles around any 10 of us. 
That purple pipe out there is for the sprinkler system for the softball field.
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We're having quite a nice monsoon season here this year.  You can set your clock almost every afternoon as it nears 3:00.  That's when the wind picks up.  Many times it brings a little dust and dirt with it but it helps to circulate the hot air.  Occasionally the wind brings some rain too which we always appreciate.  We had some measurable amounts lately.  Never a whole inch at a time but every drop counts out here in the desert.  Beautiful sky yesterday.