
Sunday, June 03, 2012


Good Morning Readers....and happy Sunday to you.  Thank you, thank you for all the comments the blog has received recently.  There are some nice comments on the Guestbook page plus I've received nice emails from folks who can't seem to get the guestbook page to work for them.  I don't know why some have difficulty making an entry there....perhaps it has something to do whether or not you have a Google account.  It's a mystery but not that important.  I always appreciate hearing from you.
Work still progresses on the new paver sidewalk over by the shuffleboard courts.  It weaves its way clear over to the horseshoes area with a nice ramp at the end.  Very nice!  There are many hours of HOT labor involved.

There are still cactus blossoms popping out sporadically around the park but now they're all starting to look the same as previous photos so I hesitate to post them.  This one caught my eye though.  It is a big cactus barrel with cute little red feathery blossoms which I thought were quite unusual.  We've all probably driven past this plant on Cole Circle hundreds of times without noticing it so it goes to show that sometimes we have to slow down and look closer at our surroundings. 
And....take a look at the HUGE prickly pear plant behind it.  That's a monster.
Everyone frequently asks what it is really like to spend the summer here.  It gets daylight around 4:30-5:00.  Most everyone here is an early riser so we can get out for some fresh air and exercise while it is still relatively cool outdoors.  The pickleball folks start playing at 6:00 and I see several folks who are out walking with their dog or just out for a healthy stroll or bike ride.
I don't know where everyone goes in the afternoons but I like going  up to the club house to play Pegs and Jokers or some other fun card games with the girls.  The guys tend to hang out in the pool room and the library frequently has several visitors either to just browse the newspapers or pick out another novel.  Other alternatives would be to curl up with a good book or take an afternoon siesta (which is also a favorite of mine since we get up so early.) 
Evenings are the best time for a nice swim after the intense sun goes down.  A couple of us head up to the American Legion to play Bingo on Monday and Fridays and, of course, Harkins Theatre sees us a couple times a month along with meals out at area restaurants.  Life is pretty good here.
Tomorrow we have Bingo scheduled here at the park so I'll certainly have some photos to share after that. 
Sooo.....hope you're all having a good summer too.  We'll keep the lights on for you while you are away. 
Keep an eye on the Palm Creek Facebook page!

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